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Hon. Joseph J. Ellis (Ret.)

eMail:  jellis@juridicalsolutions.com

Telephone:  888 EX-CURIA (392-8742)

Rate:  $400/hr

Hon. Joseph J. Ellis (Ret.)


Judge Ellis (Ret.) retired in 2019 from the 15th Judicial Circuit, where he presided in Spotsylvania County.  He also served on the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court before his election to the Circuit Court.  Judge Ellis (Ret.) brought a wide range of experience to the bench, having operated a general law practice in the Fredericksburg area, as well as engaging in government service at the state and federal levels. He developed expertise with the Virginia Department of Corrections while serving as Chief Officer of Virginia Probation and Parole Services in the 15th Circuit, and also worked within the U.S. Department of Justice.  From 1986 until 1992, he  served as Attorney Advisor to the Office of the U.S. Inspector General and Legal Advisor to the Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs.  His knowledge of federal civil service is substantial, having worked with the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, which enforces the rights of federal employees and employers, as well as the Hatch Act.  Judge Ellis (Ret.) and his family live on the Rappahannock River. You can find him in his kayak, or riding his bike, a BMW R1200 RT .


Employment law (federal civil service), medical malpractice, personal injury and TBI, family law, custody, divorce, and business transactions.



Millsaps College, BA
Western Kentucky University, MA
Cumberland School of Law, JD
New York University, LLM


Faculty Member, Virginia State Bar Professionalism Course

Former Adjunct Professor, University of Richmond School of Law

Former Member, Education Committee, Judicial Conference of Virginia

Former Advisor, U.S. Office of the Inspector General

Former Assistant General Counsel, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board

Former Deputy Clerk, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board